Checking out and checking in files on a remote server

Use the Site window to check in and check out files on a remote server. You can also undo a checked-out file without transferring it so that it's available to other team members to check out.

To check out and check in files on a remote server:

1 Do one of the following:
Choose File > Open Sites and select the desired site.
Choose the desired site from the Remote Site list at the top of the Site window.
2 If only one pane appears in the Site window, click the toggle switch at the bottom of the window to display two panes.
3 Do one of the following:
To open a single file for editing and check it out at the same time, double-click the file in the pane on the left (the remote site).
To check out files, select the desired files from the pane on the left and choose File > Check Out (Windows) or File > Site Window > Check Out (Macintosh).
To check in files, select the desired files from the pane on the right (the local site) and choose File > Check In (Windows) or File > Site Window > Check In (Macintosh).
4 Click OK to download any dependent files.

To undo a checked-out file:

Select the desired file and turn off the Checked Out option at the top of the Site window or choose File > Undo Check Out (Windows) or File > Site Window > Undo Check Out (Macintosh).